"Speaker, Author, Workplace Trainer"

Books by Author Ken Owens
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Branding Your Character
Branding Your Character
Living A Dynamic Life

Large corporations do it. Small businesses do it. Product managers, service industries, entertainers, ministers and politicians do it. They brand themselves and their products every day. It's about achieving success, whatever their definition of success is - whether it's money, image, or an election.

Corporations know that higher product sales come from a higher, positive brand image. Likewise, on an individual level, your character is the reflection of your true identity and is your brand recognition within the community. What kind of brand image do others perceive about you? Is it positive or negative?

The concepts found within the pages of Branding Your Character will help you lay a foundation for a successful dynamic life - or help you repair a life gone astray. Bad character is rampant in business, sports, entertainment and most notably with our elected officials. A majority of the world's negative situations and products would not be that way if leaders lived by the elements of good character.

Positive role models are becoming harder to find and this is especially true with parents. What image are you going to brand upon your kids? Parents must play a crucial role in equipping and branding their children with elements of character. Parents read this book and learn how to raise a kid you can be proud of!

Communication Skills

Communication Skills For Workplace Trainers
The New Trainer's Textbook

Does your position require training or speaking in front of a group?
Are you fearful of public speaking?
Need to know how to start your new role as a trainer?

This book is a culmination of 30+ years of training and speaking tips and techniques. It is intended to help those who need to speak effectively as a trainer and educator in their workplace positions. It deals not so much with What to Say, and focuses more on How to Say It. It will assist those seasoned professionals who wish to expand their speaking and training skills; as well as equip those newly hired workplace trainers who have no prior foundational experience.

Nonprofit, Sales, Clergy, Human Resources, Small Businesses, Large Corporations, Teachers, Insurance, Government, or Healthcare; this is for you! It's the textbook I wish I had when first starting out on my adventure of speaking and training!

Wedding Vow Book
Wedding Vow Book
Designing Your Perfect Ceremony

When you want your special day to be memorable, write your own ceremony instead of using a minister's 'canned' service. I'll show you how...

Don't let this happen to you!...

Steve and Susie spent over $75,000 to make their special day the most memorable event of their lives. From the wedding planner, to the flowers, the perfect dress, the cake, food, reception location and even the historic church. Everything was perfect, except for the words which came out of the minister's mouth. Those words spoiled the entire day. Now, you can have complete control over the heart and soul which your minister will deliver during your ceremony. You decide exactly what you want him/her to say! It's as easy as choosing the options in the Wedding Vow Book.

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